Petition filed with the Supreme Court in Transition Tax case

Petition filed with the Supreme Court in Transition Tax case

Well, an appeal to the US Supreme Court is the final step in the Transition Tax case.  The Court does not have to take the case.  The odds of them taking the case  – hard to say.  All you need is for 4 of the 9 judges to say they want to take the case.   BUT if they decide to take the case, the chances of the Court ruling in our favor are almost 100%.  We will know if they take the case in about 2 months. 

To read the petition click below.  The petition is technical BUT it is does provide a very good analysis of what “standing” means and how the lower courts have manipulated the law to rule against us.

As you know, my dad died 2 days ago.  Dad, this one is for you. Love you.

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