Law firm specializing in US business litigation and commercial disputes
The law firm of Silver & Co. specializes in representing non-US based businesses in US business litigation and commercial disputes.
The firm of Silver & Co. offers US business litigation services in commercial disputes for all types of business clients against all types of parties. We have a track record of litigating against, and defeating, all types of parties – from the largest multinational corporations and US government, to smaller scale real estate investment promoters and debtors. We represent both large international banks and institutional investors, to smaller investors and creditors. In all cases there is one thing in common – we only represent businesses located outside the US with regard to their litigation in the United States. If you are a party to a dispute in the US, you must obtain legal representation that protects and fights for your interests.
A US litigation law firm that specializes in representing the non-US based client
Our firm specializes in business litigation and commercial disputes where the client is a business located outside the US. More than any firm in the world, Silver & Co. understands the unique perspective of the foreign business facing or involved in US litigation. Our understanding of this unique status is based on decades of experience and allows us to properly provide counsel to our clients at every state of the litigation, including:
Success-based litigation
Unlike practically all US law firms who charge their clients outrageous legal fees, we strongly seek to avoid situations where we as lawyers win and you – our client – loses. Accordingly, we strive to take cases we strongly believe in. And in those cases, we believe in sharing the risk with the client, where our compensation is directly tied to the fate of our client. We simply do not believe in winning where our client does not. This alignment of interests clearly benefits the client, who knows that it’s lawyer truly believes in its case and has a shared destiny.
US litigation can be complex and long, not to mention very expensive. This serves as a major hurdle to foreign businesses who have a legitimate and sizable claim against a US based party. Whether we represent large foreign financial institutions or corporations, foreign clients are justifiably hesitant to litigate in the US. The decision to litigate in the US should not be taken lightly. And in more cases than not, we prefer to act as wise counsel and avoid US litigation if it will not clearly obtain the client’s goals.
Types of cases we handle
Over the years, we have litigated businesses disputes in the U.S. in practically every possible area of business, such as:
Next steps? Here are your choices
If you have a potential case you have one of three options:
If you have a potential US business litigation matter or commercial dispute, contact us for a free consultation.